ClickCease Black Friday Sale at Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge - $1,500 Off Our N

Black Friday Sale at Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge - $1,500 Off Our Normal Prices in June and September on the Fabled Alagnak River of Bristol Bay, Alaska!

We have an amazing Black Friday Sale Deal for you!
We are offering $1,500 Off our normal prices during Prime Rainbow Trout as well as Prime Silver Salmon weeks in June and September during the 2018 Season at ATA Lodge!
The offer applies from today Nov 21 through Nov 30th!
The offer is good for the weeks of June 10-17 and June 17-24 of 2018.  This is prime time for Leopard Rainbow Trout and Grayling.  These are the opening 2 weeks of the season.  That means that the river will not have been fished in 8 months and the trout will have just come off their spawning beds.  They are aggressive and ravenous and will chase down a swung streamer. like an articulated leech or sculpin pattern as well as smolt patterns, as this time coincides with the out-migration of the young salmon that are making their way to the ocean.   
This is also a great time to fish with dry flies as well as PRIME TIME for Mousing!  It is great sport skating a mouse pattern across the surface of the water as well as an exciting way to fish!  Watching these hungry trout smash a deer-hair mouse fly on the top of the water is unforgettable!  Even our Grayling will hit mice at this time!
Speaking of Grayling, you can spend all day catching one after another on surface flies, sometimes watching them jump entirely out of the water and "pile drive" the fly on their way back down!  I am not exaggerating when I say that 100 plus trout and grayling per boat days are a regular event this time of year! 
The offer also applies for the weeks of Sept 9-16 and 16 -23 of 2018.
We consider these weeks our Trophy Trout and Char time together with some great Silver Salmon (Coho Salmon) fishing as well.  Silver Salmon will be filling every pool on our part of the river by now.  They have started their run in earnest by mid-August, but the run continues through most of September with new fresh Silvers coming in to the system every day!  The colors of the landscape have started to change dramatically and it is our most beautiful time of year on the river.  Moose are regularly seen as the rut has started, and it is not unusual to encounter big bulls as they start to chase the cows around.
By now most of the other 4 species of salmon have mostly finished spawning and have either died or are dying. The Trout, Grayling and Char have been gorging on eggs for a month or more and are big and fat!  But the bounty hasn't finished for them yet as they now try to pack on any extra calories they can with the upcoming winter on the horizon.  So now we start to switch over from beads and egg imitations to swinging flesh flies as resident fish are now feasting on the decaying salmon flesh as their primary food source.  The Arctic Char are in their spawning colors as well and are beautiful to behold and as well as fun to catch.
So, if this sounds like something you don't want to miss, get in touch before November 30th to book your trip to the Wild and Scenic Alagnak River at Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge and take advantage of this fantastic Black Friday Deal of $1,500 Off for June or September of 2018!
Find out more about ATA Lodge at 
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or call toll free on: +1 877 801 2289
This offer is not valid with any other special offers or deals.  Only available when booked directly with ATA Lodge.


Contact Info

Box 31,
King Salmon,
Alaska, 99613
Phone: +(1) 877 801 2289
Phone: +(1) 907 519 6820
Phone: +(44) 7775 602 424