ClickCease COVID19 Update for ATA Lodge - May 15, 2020 – Alaska Trophy Adventures Lodge

COVID19 Update for ATA Lodge - May 15, 2020

Dear Friends and Family of ATA Lodge

We like you, continue to try and assimilate what the implications of the new reality we are all confronted with as a result of the COVID19 pandemic and what that represents to our business.  Things continue to change on a regular basis, but without being able to gaze into the crystal ball and determine what the situation will be like even a few bends down the road.

As a result of the continued uncertainty that exists, we can only take decisions on a day by day basis and continue to evaluate what can and can not be done as things unfold, both at a local and international level.  

I had promised an update as of today (May 15th) and had hoped to be able to disclose a decision on this season.  The reality is that we can not yet make a definitive decision.  Although Alaska has moved into Phase 2 of their State re-opening plan; the practicalities of running a remote business dependent on the travel industry and bound to function by the restrictions placed upon us by the State government, does not allow us to feel free to operate yet.  Most of the same realities that I mentioned in the last 2 updates continue to mitigate against opening.

Over 1/2 the lodges that I'm in communication with have taken the decision to close for the entire season.  A couple of others have delayed opening but are still not able to guarantee or commit to being open at a later date.  The rest are on the verge of announcing either a delayed or complete closure.

This means that we feel we have run out of time to be able to guarantee being able to operate for the June 8th opener.  We are therefore announcing that we will postpone opening until July 5th and even that will be subject to change and reevaluation depending how things continue to develop.  Anyone booked in June this year will automatically be rescheduled into the same week for the 2021 season and have their deposits applied to that week next year.   

If you determine that you would prefer to change weeks, let us know and we will work with you to see what may be available either later this season if we are able to open, or another available week in 2021.  We will not be extending the rescheduling option to 2022 since your weeks have availability in 2021.  If you can not take advantage of this rescheduling option, then unfortunately your deposit will be forfeit.  

Jacob and Wayne, together with a significantly reduced crew will plan to be at the lodge to secure the property and work on certain projects.  This will allow us to be on-site and monitor whether or not things change enough to keep our options open, and potential prepare to have guests later in the season if realities make that possible.

May 19th is a date that the State of Alaska is supposed to either lift or extend the present set of mandates and guidelines for operating a business.  There is also a conference call for service providers operating within the National Park on the 21st of May.  During that call, we will be given an update on any changes to planned operations for the upcoming 2020 season within the park.  So before making any other decisions, we would like to see what these 2 dates reveal about the immediate future. 

If there is any significant new information after the 21st conference call, I will update our blog and send out another communication.  Otherwise, if there are no significant developments we will set a date of June 15th to update everyone further. 

We want to express our sincere regret as to how this situation has effected all of us.  We appreciate your patience and understanding as we all try and do what is best to protect and ensure the future of ATA Lodge.  We hope that each of you are coping well and that you remain safe during this complicated and challenging time.  

If you have any need to talk to us about your personal situation don't hesitate to email Wayne at or call on +1 877 801 2289.

Best Regards

Wayne and Jacob McGee

Contact Info

Box 31,
King Salmon,
Alaska, 99613
Phone: +(1) 877 801 2289
Phone: +(1) 907 519 6820
Phone: +(44) 7775 602 424